Advanced Electrolysis
Prices from £40 per session (up to 30mins)
Nearly all of us suffer with minor skin blemishes that can affect our confidence. These issues are much more common than many people would think, due to a combination of factors including ageing, UV Damage and certain health conditions.
Electrolysis has been used for more than a century to treat problems such as broken capillaries, spider naevi and warts. It has progressed dramatically with the ongoing development of modern technology and is a simple and safe technique. Electrolysis is used to successfully remove, visibly reduce and improve the appearance of unwanted skin blemishes, offering immediate and effective results.
Advanced Electrolysis is a treatment that uses a Thermolysis current and a very fine needle to either cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis, depending on the type of blemish that is being treated
- Red Veins and Spider Naevi
Fading begins about three weeks after treatment, with the broken capillaries beginning to disappear. Typically up to three treatments may be required, although there may be a noticeable difference after just one treatment. They may appear redder to start with and may also develop tiny scabs – these MUST be left to heal naturally
- Skin Tags
These small blemishes are cauterised and removed , with small red marks or scabbing appearing after treatment. These will disappear after 7-10 days and must be left to heal naturally.
- Milia
The current cauterises the blemish and the milia is reabsorbed back into the skin. Results can start to show up a few weeks after treatment. Sometimes the milia pops out whilst being treated, but not always.
- Warts/Verrucas
Often more than one treatment is needed, taken eight weeks apart, to remove warts and verrucas. Once killed these should not return in the same area.
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis
The current is used to lift away and cauterise and scabs will appear for up to two weeks, healing naturally. Once healed, you will see that the blemish has been fully removed.
- Sebaceous Cyst
These cysts can be quite persistent, depending on their size and the area to be treated. Several treatments maybe needed to reduce or remove the cyst. These are cauterised and reabsorbed back into the system.
- Syringoma
The current applied will shrink the blemish. Small crusts and swellings will then appear, taking up to two weeks to heal. Several treatments may be needed, depending on the area to be treated.
- Xanthelasma
The current shrinks the blemish, small crusts and swellings will appear which will take up to 2 weeks to heal. Several treatments may be needed depending on the area to be treated.
- Age Spot Removal
These blemishes are lifted away and cauterised, leaving small scabs that will disappear over a couple of weeks, if left to heal naturally .
- Mole Reduction
The mole is reduced by half its size in a single treatment and will continue to reduce as the scab forms and disappears. top-up treatments may be necessary.
- Permanent hair removal
Each hair has its root cauterised and so it can not grow back. Its success is dependant on the hair growth cycle at the time of treatment. This can not be understood or guessed until the hair has been successfully removed, as to if it still has the bulb attached or not. Classically 1 in 3 hairs should be successfully removed permenantly.
What does the treatment feel like?
Electrolysis clients generally describe the treatment as mildly uncomfortable, with a warm stinging sensation which they find to be easily tolerable. A topical anaesthetic cream can be applied by yourself to the area which then should be covered up, if you choose to, an hour before treatment if you have a low pain threshold. Please speak to me first so we can be prepared.
Consultation and Aftercare
A consultation is always given before any electrolysis treatment; this entails a short questionnaire about any health issues that may affect the treatment. As I am not a dermatologist or GP, unexplained lumps and bumps need to be checked by a dr first to ensure the best care is given to you .This is so all our clients are fully informed and feel comfortable and relaxed when they go ahead with the treatment.
Depending on the blemish you are having treated and where it is depends on the downtime post treatment. Generally allow two weeks after the treatment for swelling, redness and scabs/crusts to disappear, with results being more easily visible up to a month later. Aloe Vera gel or arnica gel is good to use post treatment.